CAN Sedona, Arizona limit short term rentals?

Arizona Properties for Sale

There are only two ways that laws can change, which would limit STR’s in Sedona. 1) Arizona changes the law. 2) On the federal level, a law is passed that changes this. Federal supercedes state. State supercedes local (city/county). For now, only HOA’s can determine the length of rental stays.

Reach out me to get info on how to “lock in” your STR, once you have it up and running, to protect yourself from any future laws that restrict STR’s.

Invest in short term rentals now, because the cash flow is excellent. Regarding cash on cash returns, my clients are typically receiving 20% – 40% and as high as 65% in 2021.


If you need anything further, schedule a call, or reach out to me directly, and I’ll go over what your needs are and come up with a roadmap of how to get there. Whether you’re buying or you’re selling, I look forward to meeting with you.



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About the Author

Chad has lived in the Sedona area for over 30 years and been a Sedona realtor for almost 20 years. He is an active local investor and puts his money where his mouth is. Aside from his family, his passion is shared between investing and helping his clients build powerful real estate portfolios.

He specializes in: Sedona luxury real estate and  Sedona cash flow investments.

Chad McMahan
Local Expert