New Sedona luxury real estate challenges

Sedona Properties for investment

If you’re selling luxury real estate, (The top 5-10% of properties in Sedona), the good news is selling is a piece of cake. Our marketing package is super aggressive. We only use the top specialists in the area, so we get the best sales outcomes, possible. We’re commonly seeing AT or up to 20% over fair market value, with little to no transactional risk, as the terms are excellent for sellers.

If you’re a buyer there is good news and bad news. The good news is that our strategy is putting a lot of properties in front of our buyers that they otherwise would not see.

The bad news is that there’s less real estate inventory then we have seen in over 10 years.  Also, there is a larger, more aggressive buyer pool than we’ve ever seen in Sedona.  It’s creating some challenges for buyers.

To access the largest inventory possible, we are taping into two different pools of property inventory. One is the MLS market; Where 95% of buyers shop, that’s the low-hanging fruit right there.

We’re also tapping into the off-market, which is anything from: pocket listings, temporarily off-market, canceled listings, for sale by owner properties, and so on. Bottom line, off market listings are NOT the low hanging fruit, which means a lot less competition. Off-market typically yields better terms & price, and less stress, due to lower competition; You’re not going up against 10 or 20 competing offers with escalation clauses and all the mess commonly experienced with the active MLS market.

Many buyers might ask, “Chad, why even go to the low-hanging fruit, why even go to the MLS market?”

The reason is that if you’re looking for luxury property, you’re seeking something special- something that fits your mould: beautiful and a perfect fit, and typically you can afford to put yourself there. That’s part of what luxury real estate is all about: getting something that is fulfilling your dream, getting a property that is absolutely amazing, and that you have worked hard to earn.

A lot of these more polished and beautiful properties are going to be found in the MLS market. So it’s worthwhile to place yourself within that competition, so that you can find your dream home.

In 2021, we noticed 40% – 50% of the transactions were in the off-market, and 50% – 60% of them were from the active MLS market.

In 2022, we forecast off-market opportunities constituting closer to 60% of the transactions, and that’s because that buyer aggression and the size of that buyer pool is growing. The seller’s market is strengthening as we progress, so off-market IS becoming more important than ever.


If you need anything further, please reach out. Whether you’re a buyer or seller, schedule a call or pick up the phone and call us directly.



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About the Author

Chad has lived in the Sedona area for over 30 years and been a Sedona realtor for almost 20 years. He is an active local investor and puts his money where his mouth is. Aside from his family, his passion is shared between investing and helping his clients build powerful real estate portfolios.

He specializes in: Sedona luxury real estate and  Sedona cash flow investments.

Chad McMahan
Local Expert