Why have our home values skyrocketed?

Sedona has the lowest real estate inventory that we’ve seen in over 10 years and we have the most aggressive buyer activity that we’ve EVER seen in Sedona. There are three reasons why the buyer activity is the highest it’s ever been.

1. Sedona cash flow investment returns are strong and have been strong since 2017, when Arizona passed a law allowing short term rentals in Sedona.

My clients typically receive 15% or more cash flow on short term rentals (STR). They’re seeing at least 20% cash on cash return, ranging from to be 20% to 50% cash on cash return.

2. Economic growth and spending are way up.

Sedona has more tourism than ever, which is bringing more potential buyers and more money into the area.

3. The third reason buyer activity is so high, is something a lot of people aren’t aware of. We have clean and plentiful water in Sedona. As water issues become more of a problem, elsewhere, more and more buyers are asking for clean and plentiful water. We have a 500+ year supply of clean water in our underground aquifer. It’s naturally filtered delicious water. This is starting to bring a lot of buyers, especially from California, where there are significant water issues. Water will become a more significant buyer persuader over the next 10 years.

As a result, Sedona has a huge upswing of cash flow and real estate appreciation investors as well as primary and second-home buyers.

If you have more questions, feel free to schedule a call. We can go over your needs with you, whether you’re buying or selling.