What are the top three reasons people love living in Sedona?

Sedona Real Estate

There’s a saying, God created the grand canyon, but he lives in Sedona.

There are lots of reasons why people love living in Sedona, but here are the top three.

1) Of course Sedona is beautiful.

The red rocks are stunning. They’re gorgeous, they’re unique. And they’re drawing people from all around the world to Sedona.

2) Sedona’s moderate climate.

It’s one thing to love how Sedona looks, but it’s another thing to live in Sedona because we have this beautiful climate that most people enjoy. It’s not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter.
And if you want to cool off a little bit, you can head to Flagstaff and you can go play in the snow in the winter, or during the summertime, it drops about 15 degrees or 20 degrees go up and you can tool around and go for hikes and Flagstaff. Or you can head to Phoenix where it’s warmer and, you can get away from the few are real sense of the cold, you can get a break from the cold and the winter as well.

3) Sedona’s natural setting.

This goes way above and beyond just the rock formations. We also have over 250 hiking trails. We have a lot of mountain bike trails. And the best part of all, in my opinion, is the clean and the plentiful water. We have an over 500 year supply of clean and fresh naturally filtered aquifer water down deep under Sedona.

If you have more questions, feel free to schedule a call. We can go over what your specific needs are. Whether you’re buying or you’re selling, we look forward to meeting with you.



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About the Author

Chad has lived in the Sedona area for over 30 years and been a Sedona realtor for almost 20 years. He is an active local investor and puts his money where his mouth is. Aside from his family, his passion is shared between investing and helping his clients build powerful real estate portfolios.

He specializes in: Sedona luxury real estate and  Sedona cash flow investments.

Chad McMahan
Local Expert